This last week we drove down to California for Spring Break. The Ogas family was nice enough to open their home to us for like the hundreth time, (Thanks George and Sandy!). We went to California to spend time with family and friends, as well as for Karyn's baby shower at the Farren's house, (Thanks Janine and Kevin!). We also delivered Hailey Ogas' new puppy, Princess, and picked up a car seat and stroller from Craig and Gina Skinner, (Thanks guys!). Our last item of business in CA was to help Karyn's little sister move to Idaho to start work and college. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends who are so generous. We could barely squeeze everything into the car to get home. It was an awesome trip and we miss everyone already!
Kael is so excited about his baby brother Jett. Whenever I ask him to help me with something for his brother he jumps at the opportunity to help. For our latest project Kael helped me put Jett's crib together. He helped hold the sides as well as tightening the screws. He is already such a great big brother!
This last week-end we headed down to Utah for my Grandma McGrath's 80th surprise birthday party. My Grandma was very suprised, she shed tears of happiness and cried out " Oh my gosh" on several occasions. It was wonderful to see and spend time with family we don't get see as often as we would like to.