Monday, February 21, 2011

Teacher Rally, Boise, Idaho

Today as a family we went to the Idaho State capital building to attend the teacher rally opposing Idaho State superintendent Tom Luna's education reform plan. A plan that would inplement many negative changes in education here in Idaho. The main changes I oppose are eliminatating teacher unions, increasing class sizes, and merit pay which teachers are paid based off students performance on standarized test. I am not sure if e-mailing my legislators and attending this rally will change anything but I want to be able to say that I did everything I could to oppose something I believe in my heart to be wrong.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jett's First Trip To The Dentist

Today was Jett's first trip to the dentist. He was spoiled with a new green tooth brush and a Blue's Clues sticker. Jett sat on Karyn's lap as the doctor checked his teeth. He wasn't very thrilled to have someone poking around in his mouth but we got through it.